Data Fields

hpgs_reader_st Struct Reference

A HPGL interpreter. More...

#include <hpgsreader.h>

Data Fields

int current_page
int verbosity
double lw_factor
hpgs_point P1
hpgs_point P2
hpgs_point delta_P
int rotation
int rop3
hpgs_bool src_transparency
hpgs_bool pattern_transparency
hpgs_matrix world_matrix
double world_scale
hpgs_matrix page_matrix
double page_scale
hpgs_matrix total_matrix
double total_scale
int page_mode
double page_width
double page_height
double page_angle
double page_border
hpgs_bbox page_bbox
hpgs_bbox content_bbox
void * page_asset_ctxt
hpgs_reader_asset_func_t page_asset_func
void * frame_asset_ctxt
hpgs_reader_asset_func_t frame_asset_func
hpgs_color min_color
hpgs_color max_color
int polygon_mode
int polygon_open
int pen_width_relative
int pen_down
int current_pen
int current_linetype
int absolute_plotting
int have_current_point
hpgs_point current_point
hpgs_point first_path_point
hpgs_point min_path_point
hpgs_point max_path_point
hpgs_point anchor_point
int current_ft
double ft3_angle
double ft3_spacing
double ft4_angle
double ft4_spacing
double ft10_level
int alternate_font
double pcl_scale
double pcl_hmi
double pcl_vmi
hpgs_point pcl_point
hpgs_reader_pcl_bitmap_font ** pcl_bitmap_fonts
size_t pcl_bitmap_fonts_alloc_size
size_t pcl_bitmap_fonts_size
int pcl_current_bitmap_font_id
int pcl_current_character_code
hpgs_reader_pcl_palette ** pcl_palettes
size_t pcl_n_palettes
int pcl_i_palette
int pcl_pattern
hpgs_palette_color pcl_foreground_color
int pcl_raster_mode
int pcl_raster_presentation
int pcl_raster_src_width
int pcl_raster_src_height
int pcl_raster_dest_width
int pcl_raster_dest_height
int pcl_raster_res
int pcl_raster_compression
int pcl_raster_y_offset
int pcl_raster_plane
int pcl_raster_line
unsigned char * pcl_raster_data [8]
int pcl_raster_data_size
int pcl_raster_planes
int png_dump_count
char * png_dump_filename
int clipsave_depth
int last_byte
int bytes_ignored
int eoc
hpgs_bool interrupted

double x_size
double y_size

double frame_x
double frame_y

int sc_type
double sc_xmin
double sc_xmax
double sc_ymin
double sc_ymax
double sc_left
double sc_bottom

int linetype_nsegs [17]
float linetype_segs [17][20]

int npens
double * pen_widths

char label_term
int label_term_ignore

int poly_buffer_size
int poly_buffer_alloc_size

int default_encoding
int default_face
int default_spacing
double default_pitch
double default_height
int default_posture
int default_weight

int alternate_encoding
int alternate_face
int alternate_spacing
double alternate_pitch
double alternate_height
int alternate_posture
int alternate_weight

hpgs_point cr_point
hpgs_point current_char_size
hpgs_point current_extra_space
double current_slant
int current_label_origin
int current_text_path
int current_text_line
double current_label_angle

Detailed Description

A HPGL interpreter.

This structure holds all the states used during the interpretation of a HPGL stream. Users of the library usually don't have to cope with details of this structure.

Field Documentation

Are PU and PD coordinates absoulte, because a PA statement is in effect?

the text state for the alternate font.

do we use the alternate font?

The anchor point for fill patterns.

A byte counter for various purposes.

Referenced by hpgs_read(), hpgs_reader_do_PCL(), and hpgs_reader_do_PJL().

how many clipsaves have been issued?

Referenced by hpgs_read().

The bounding box of the HPGL content of the current page.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader().

text attributes set through special commands.

The fill type currently in effect.

Number of the current linetype.

The number of the current page. -1...single page mode.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_read(), and hpgs_reader_imbue().

Number of the current pen.

Referenced by hpgs_reader_get_current_pen().

The current pen position in PostScript pt (1/72 inch), if have_current_point is true.

Referenced by hpgs_reader_do_PCL().

the text state for the standard font.

The difference of P2-P1 as set by the IP command.

The first point in a path, if polygon_open is true.

A callback for rendering additional frame assets before frame advance/showpage.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_frame_asset_func().

hpgs_reader_asset_func_t hpgs_reader_st::frame_asset_func

A callback for rendering additional frame asset before frame advance/showpage.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_frame_asset_func().

The frame advance vector in PostScript pt (1/72 inch).

The current color level for fill type 10.

The current pattern angle of fill type 3.

The current pattern spacing of fill type 3.

The current pattern angle of fill type 4.

The current pattern spacing of fill type 4.

Do we have a current pen position, aka current_point is a valid position.

Did someone call hpgs_reader_interrupt ?

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_read(), hpgs_reader_do_PCL(), and hpgs_reader_interrupt().

label terminator settings

linetype settings. (-8,...8) stored from 0...16

The linewidth scaling factor.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_lw_factor().

The maximal RGB values.

The maximal x/y coordinates of all points in an open path.

The minimal RGB values.

The minimal x/y coordinates of all points in an open path.

pen settings

HPGL frame point P1 in PostScript pt (1/72 inch).

HPGL frame point P2 in PostScript pt (1/72 inch).

The rotation angle of the HPGL content on the page.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_reader_set_dynamic_page(), and hpgs_reader_set_fixed_page().

A callback for rendering additional page assets before showpage.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_page_asset_func().

hpgs_reader_asset_func_t hpgs_reader_st::page_asset_func

A callback for rendering additional page assets before showpage.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_page_asset_func().

The currently active page bounding box.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_read(), hpgs_reader_set_dynamic_page(), and hpgs_reader_set_fixed_page().

The border of the HPGL border on the page.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_reader_set_dynamic_page(), and hpgs_reader_set_fixed_page().

The page height or the maximal page height in points.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_reader_set_dynamic_page(), and hpgs_reader_set_fixed_page().

transformation matrix for the transformation of PostScript (world) coordinates usually given in points (1/72 inch) to user defined page-coorindates.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_do_PCL().

0...untransformed, 1...fixed page, 2...dynamic page

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_reader_set_dynamic_page(), and hpgs_reader_set_fixed_page().


Referenced by hpgs_new_reader().

The page width or the maximal page width in points.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_reader_set_dynamic_page(), and hpgs_reader_set_fixed_page().

ROP3 pattern transparency.

The array of PCL bitmap fonts sorted by font ID.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), and hpgs_new_reader().

The allocated size of the bitmap font array.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader().

The allocated size of the palette stack.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), and hpgs_new_reader().

The current PCL bitmap font use for font operations.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader().

The ID of the current PCL bitmap font to use for font operations.

The PCL character code of the next character to be assembled or -1, if not set.

The currently set PCL forground color. Set to black, if no foreground color is set.

PCL horizontal motion index in pt.

The number of of the current PCL palette on the stack.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), and hpgs_new_reader().

The image currently filled by pcl.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_do_PCL().

The allocated size of the palette stack.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader().

The PCL palette stack of palettes for 256 colors.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), and hpgs_new_reader().

The current PCL pattern. Default value 0.

PCL point position in pt.

Referenced by hpgs_reader_do_PCL().

The primary PCL bitmap font being assembled.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_do_PCL().

The PCL raster compression in effect.

The buffer for the data of the current raster. One pointer per plane.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), and hpgs_new_reader().

The size of the raster data buffer.

The PCL raster image destination height.

The PCL raster image destination width.

The number of the raster line currently transferred.

The PCL ratser mode. -1 no raster graphics, 0 horizontal graphics, 3 vertical graphics

The current PCL raster plane for transfer data by plane.

The number of planes of the raster data currently being transferred.

The PCL raster presentation mode.

The PCL raster image resolution.

Referenced by hpgs_reader_do_PJL().

The PCL raster image source height.

The PCL raster image source width.

The PCL raster y offset in effect.

The factor from PCL units to PostScript pt (1/72 inch).

Referenced by hpgs_reader_do_PJL().

PCL vertical motion index in pt.

Is the pen down?

Are pen widths specified relative?

The current plotsize device.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_read(), and hpgs_reader_imbue().

The number of PCL images dumped so far.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_png_dump().

The base filename for dumped PCL images.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), hpgs_new_reader(), and hpgs_reader_set_png_dump().

the polygon buffer used in polygon mode.

Referenced by hpgs_destroy_reader(), and hpgs_new_reader().

Are we in polygon mode?

Is a polygon currently open?

ROP3 operation in effect.

The current rotation angle (90/180/270/360).

The current effective coordinate scaling of a SC command.

ROP3 source transparency.

The concatenation of page_matrix and world_matrix.


The verbosity level in effect.

Referenced by hpgs_new_reader(), hpgs_read(), and hpgs_reader_do_PJL().

transformation matrix for the transformation of HPGL to PostScript (world) coordinates usually given in points (1/72 inch).


The paper size in PostScript pt (1/72 inch).

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